So you’ve finally decided to go on a yoga retreat in a lush countryside
in Costa Rica? That’s great! Before you hop on the plane weeks from now,
however, it’s important that you prepare your body and mind well for your trip.
Doing yoga while your stressed out can greatly reduce the value of your
experience. Here are tips to get you ready:
Know more about Costa Rica.
Reading about the country will make you feel more at home once you’re
there. Take time to learn about customs, traditions, landscape, the people, and
a few greeting phrases. Remember to try and initiate meaningful conversations, satisfy
your curiosity, and make new friends during your stay.
Be mindful of your diet.
A good yoga diet provides plenty of energy, but is light for the tummy.
Because of this, most yoga retreats are likely to serve vegetarian food and
will encourage you to avoid beverages like caffeine and alcohol. Start reducing
your diet to healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits weeks before the trip
to avoid unnecessary cravings.
Leave your gadgets alone.
If possible, leave your gadgets untouched during the trip as these will
disconnect you from the people around and serve as potential sources of stress,
which can bother you again. If you can‘t help checking your email in case of
emergencies, tell the people back home to indicate any urgent concern in the
subject of the email. If it can wait, then read it only after you’re through
with the retreat.
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